Tech Trade-on(Apply for a technology market)

Seoul Startup Growth Center (Seoul's hub of business research and development) We will take the lead in strengthening the technological
competitiveness of startups.

Business inquiry (02-958-6682)
Public and private technologies that can be transferred on a regular basis
Disclosure of the list of transferable technologies and support for technology transfer among technologies owned by nationally funded research institutes, public institutions, universities, and private technologies
Filter initialization

Patent organization(Large Category)

Patent organization(Middle Category)



Price(maximum: 100 million won)

Registration Date:



shopping basket ()

Full cancellation

자동 로그아웃 안내

자동 로그아웃 남은 시간:
고객님의 안전한 서비스 이용을 위해
로그인 후 약 2시간 동안 서비스 이용이 없어 로그아웃 합니다.

로그인 시간을 연장하시겠습니까?